About a Painting: "Natural State"
Natural State
It’s worrisome this “natural state”
this thing I proclaim to embrace
rejecting the manicured
the perfect
the weed-free
buried in the mire of physical labor
muscles hurt
weekends filled
dirt on me
burrowed into the space between the tips of my fingers and the nails that grow there.
all of this natural state
trying to keep things as they are
as they should be
I say!
and then the winds and water come
and mother nature has a different notion
and suddenly
the state of natural is newly defined
the order I knew has become chaos.
he tells me not to worry
he tells me to accept what is
embrace it, he says
he is kind that way
maybe, I am not
I long for the perfection of what I already knew to be.
my notion of living in the state of natural
surrounded by the lush.
but nature is a changing vehicle
she never stands still
she spits out what we serve her
and spills it out haphazardly
she rejects our notion of natural for her own.
this woman
she rules always
my plantings and my messings and my laborings
they are incidental
a cough or a sneeze to her.
this woman
she rules always
it is her that decides the order of things.
I understand this now.